Since 1985 the Environmental Sanitation Institute has been conducting successful training and capacity-building programs in the areas of water and sanitation. Now ESI is using its knowledge and experience in the sector to expand the dissemination of information on water and sanitation to all who require it.
The following courses and opportunities are available at the Environmental Sanitation Institute, Sughad campus.
Please contact us for further information and details at, or +91 (79) 2327 6127.
Capacity Building ToT’s
These courses are targeted to involve those who will be doing training themselves, known as training of trainers (ToT). Participants may include schoolteachers, village panchayats, NGO officials, engineers, university students, and government officials among others. They are short capacity-building programs lasting from 3 days to 2 weeks and can be tailored to the needs of the organization or group that requests the training. All trainings have been created by experts in the corresponding fields and are taught by experienced faculty and guest lecturers in the areas of development, sanitation, water, health, and hygiene.
1. IEC (Information, Education, Communication) and Social Marketing for Low-Cost Sanitation
Changing hygiene and sanitary behavior is more than just building toilets. Because it is related to culture, tradition, environment, and economy, improving existing sanitary practices involves paying attention to the needs and desires of the community. This course will address the sociological and economic issues related to sanitation. It will teach the participant how to involve a community to demand sanitation by using innovative ways of communicating and educating them about the importance of sanitation. Participants will also learn how to motivate communities to understand the economic advantages of using a toilet. Participants will have the chance to learn through live demonstration of these techniques and through practical implementation with a neighboring community.
2. School and Anganwadi Sanitation
Children are the future of our nation and are most easily influenced to practice sanitary habits. Therefore it is essential that we educate children on how and why to use a toilet. In addition, toilets must be provided at schools and aganwadis to instill the proper behaviour at an early age. This course will teach participants games and activities to involve children in sanitation education and ensure proper sanitary practices. In addition it will cover the central government’s guidelines for the Total Sanitation Campaign, including school toilet complex design and maintenance.
3. Women and Sanitation
Sanitation is disproportionately more of an issue for women than for men. Because of women’s issues such as dignity, shame, menstruation, and pregnancy, the lack of a toilet can cause major problems for women. In addition, women, being the primary caretakers, are role models for their children to observe proper sanitary practices at home. This influences the future state of the country’s sanitation situation. These issues and more will be discussed and brought to light in this course so that development workers can be aware of how to properly address the needs of these women. Successfully techniques of sanitation promotion with regard to women will also be taught.
4. Low-Cost Sanitary Technology
In this course participants will become experts in the knowledge of maintenance, construction, and availability of various low-cost sanitary technologies. Such technologies that will be covered include the soakage pit, smokeless chullah, two-pit pour flush latrine, biogas plant, solar heater and more.
5. Practical Module on Sanitation for MSW students.
Since MSW students are the future of NGO and government workers (the primary sectors that deal with the sanitation problem of India), it is especially important that they are educated to the full scope of the sanitation problem, and to how it can be addressed.
Through this module students will learn the proper ways in which to motivate communities for sanitation, the effects sanitation has on the economy, gender, and caste, the importance of sanitation with relation to health and what diseases can result from lack of proper sanitation. This course will provide the students many opportunities to participate in interactive learning, including many visuals, audios, and hands-on teamwork and projects. The main assignment of the 6-day course is a project to create a motivational campaign for a local village or slum area, which will include a base-line survey, preparation and communication of the main presentation, and a town meeting conducted by the students themselves. The module will practically prepare students so that they will be well equipped to tackle not only sanitation issues, but also other developing world issues once they graduate.
Research and Internship
Students and professionals alike are welcome to stay at our campus to study or conduct research on any water, sanitation, or hygiene related issues. Our facility offers an extensive collection of books and media on the subject as well as state-of-the-art computer technology, making it an ideal place for such work.